mediante su poema “Culpable”. Es Ali Salem Iselmu, quien ha escrito sus versos sobre la muerte violenta del joven Nayem El Garhi cerca del campamento.
Ali Salem Iselmu es un poeta saharaui nacido en 1970 en Villa Cisneros , con diploma en periodismo por la Universidad de Santiago de Cuba. Vive en España. Este poema ha sido traducido al inglés por la Fundación Angel Orensanz de Nueva York para uso educativo.
Culpable (Original)
La voz inocente de un niño,
es culpable de la muerte,
culpable del odio de los verdugos
de la ausencia de su ciudad.
Culpable que entierren
su voz para siempre
ante el silencio cómplice
de la indiferencia.
Dirán que la bala
atravesó su cuerpo,
atravesó su alma
y desgarró su corazón.
Una vez más
culparan a su madre,
a su hermano
a sus amigos.
Y al final,
los vasallos
encerrados en la ignominia
del delito
culparan al niño saharaui,
de su propia muerte.
Angel Orensanz: El Aaiún (2010)
Ali Salem Iselmu joins Angel Orensanz’s Peace Initiative for El Aayun.
New York, November 22, 2010. Angel Orensanz’ personal, digital peace initiative about the war of El Aayun, has been joined by a star ally on the violent death of Nayem El Garhi. It is precisely inside Western Sahara where this concept of Angel Orensanz have been more warmly received. And it is this leading West Saharan poet who has joined the conversation through a group of American writers and artists sensitive to the cause of the Saharawi people. Please see enclosed poem on the recent violent death of teenager Nayem El Garhi.
A poem dedicated to Nayem El Garhi
The innocent voice of a boy,
guilty of the death,
guilty of hatred of the criminals,
of the absence of their city.
Guilty that they bury
his voice forever
with accomplice silence
of indifference.
They say that the bullet
pierced his body,
pierced his soul
and tore apart his heart.
Once more
They blame his mother,
his brother
his friends.
And at the end,
the mercenaries,
locked in ignominy
of their crime,
blame the Saharawi child
for his own death.
Ali Salem Iselmu is a Saharui poet and writer born in 1970 in Villa Cisneros (Western Sahara) and has a degree in journalism by the University of Santiago de Cuba . He lives presently in Spain . The enclosed poem has been translated into English for this occasion by The Angel Orensanz Foundation, New York for educational purposes only.
Angel Orensanz Foundation New York
172 Norfolk Street, N.Y. NY 10002
Telephone: 001-212-780-0175172 Norfolk Street, N.Y. NY 10002
Telephone: 001-212-780-0175